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Cartoonists Across America & the World

Phil Yeh with students at the Mt. Vernon Elementary mural in San Bernardino
Current Events
Ghost Carrot cover.JPEG

Book Signing 

 Other Realms Hawaii

Saturday, March 22



 Jon J Murakami will also be there to sign the books & comics we did together.

Other Realms is located at

1130 N Nimitz Hwy C-140, Honolulu, HI 96817

Our Mission

Cartoonists Across America & The World recognize the power that creativity, mentorship, and reading have on the success of individuals, families and communities great and small. Since 1985, we have reached thousands of people with our message by conducting over 2000 mural and speaking events and school assemblies in the United States and in 17 countries around the world. 


  Our mission involves giving people of all ages the tools and inspiration to explore their talents in whatever field they choose. With direction, mentorship, motivation and a little push, we believe and have witnessed that anyone from any background can achieve success. Our speakers and artists have been all over the world, met with powerful and successful leaders and entrepreneurs and have been sharing the stories of "creators" with millions of people for over 37 years. 

 Phil's new book, Places is now available!

It is a hardcover full-color book of  126 watercolors from his series of places he has visited during his 37-year Cartoonists Across  America Tour.  It sells for $40, signed and numbered.

Places book cover
McDonald's Museum in San Bernardino

Phil and
Cartoonists Across America are painting a  mural in San Bernardino, CA. The mural wraps around all 4 walls at the site of the Original and First Ever McDonald's which is now a McDonald's museum and official stop on Route 66.

The mural features many of the heros, entrepreneurs, and businesses with a legacy of success that have originated in San Bernardino and the surrounding cities. Famous cartoonists such as Phil Ortiz, creator of the Simpson's characters, and others have contributed to the mural. This historical mural is seen by hundreds of tourists from around the world, as well as by locals in Southern California every week. It is one of the few stops on Route 66 in Southern California and is rated on YELP as the second most popular tourist attraction in this area, second only to the beautiful San Bernardino Mountains.


Phil and the Cartoonists began work on the mural in 2012, and have worked continuously, a few days a week, for the past 7 years. You can visit the mural free of charge during the McDonald's museum buisiness hours Monday-Friday 8am-5pm and Saturday-Sunday 10am-5pm at 1398 N E St, San Bernardino, CA 92405. Our tour guides would love to show you the facsinating true history of McDonald's, and the people and places that have inspired many and achieved much.


Phil Yeh and Kevin Eastman at the McDonald's museum in San Bernardino
A plaque explaining the McDonald's mural

Phil Yeh and Kevin Eastman.

Kevin visited the mural to add his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles onto the art

A portable mural painted in a mall in Osnabrück, Germany.

We went to Germany to do a mural with the public at Kamp-Promenade Mall in Osnabrück on May 11, 2019.

Simpson's artist Phil Ortiz was there and also Klaus Leven of East Side Cartoons and the German office of Cartoonists Across America & the World.

Painting the mural in Osnabrück
Painting the mural in Osnabrück
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