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Dinosaurs Across America, our best-selling comic of all time: more than 180,000 copies sold! NOW available in full-color HARDCOVER, published by NBM. Perfect for any school, public or home library. Available from fine bookstores everywhere. ISBN 13:978-1-56163-509-2. Order from our online boutique under BOOKS.
The 8th comic book edition featuring a new introduction about Cleveland was created for Phil's five month art exhibition at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History in 2006.
Featuring Patrick Rabbit and Friends, Phil Yeh has created a brand new comic called Dinosaurs Across Route 66. Route 66 was called The Mother Road and the Will Rogers Highway. It was the first cross-country road for automobiles in America. The famous old highway influenced an entire generation of writers, film makers, actors, musicians and artists all over the world. This book touches on some of the best in a funny story for all ages. Guest artists include: Lieve Jerger, Jon J. Murakami, Klaus Leven, Geoff Bevington, Brenda and Keith Murphy, and He Shuxin.
The Winged Tiger first appeared in Phil's 1980 graphic novel called Cazco In China. In 1993, Phil wrote another graphic novel called The Winged Tiger that told a story without any words for a global audience. In the spring of 1998 Phil began a new comic book series called The Winged Tiger Comics and Stories, the first issue sold out immediately. It has since been reprinted in a full color deluxe edition called The Legend of The Winged Tiger. In the second issue of the Winged Tiger series Phil began one of his most ambitious projects to date, a story called the Ideaship adventures which featured Patrick Rabbit floating in a light bulb ship all around the planet meeting artists from all fields and getting them to answer the age old question-- "How Do You Get Your Ideas?" More than 200 world famous artists have joined in the fun.Â

The Patrick Rabbit comic books began in the summer of 1988 and lasted until the spring of 1997. The little rabbit was created by Phil Yeh when asked to do a back up feature for the 7th issue of Usagi Yojimbo by Stan Sakai. Patrick Rabbit continues to appear in every issue of Yeh's newest comic book series The Winged Tiger which started in 1998 and shows no sign of ever stopping.

Frank the Unicorn starred in a series of graphic novels long before his creator Phil Yeh introduced his new comic book series in 1986. The first issue of Frank the Unicorn comics combines lots of classic comic book action with some serious issues, like literacy, thrown in for good measure. The key, as in all Phil's work, is a lot of good HUMOR. In the third issue of Frank, featuring an introduction by the legendary author Ray Bradbury, Phil created a new group of characters who promoted reading in a science-fiction-sort of way. They were called "The 451 Gang" after Mr. Bradbury's classic book, Fahrenheit 451. Frank the Unicorn ran as a comic book series into 1992. Frank still appears in Phil's Winged Tiger and Patrick Rabbit comic book series as well as other books.

The Penguin & Pencilguin comic books series (1987-1994) are pun-filled adventures of a group of penguins living in a world of ICE and ICE CREAM at the South Pole, that Phil Yeh and Leigh Rubin produced at the start of the Cartoonists Across America & The World tour. These characters are timeless as are their funny adventures. Yeh has continued producing his own comic book series based on The Winged Tiger and Rubin has moved on to wild success as a syndicated comic strip artist "Rubes", with a number of book and licensing projects under his belt.
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