Frank the Unicorn

Issue #1
Price: US $50.00
while supplies last

Issue #2
Price: US $25

Issue #3
Introduction by Ray Bradbury, author of the classic book Fahrenheit 451. Ray was perfect for this issue as Frank the Unicorn #3 begins Phil Yeh's incredible adventures of "The 451 Gang". This is a pro-literacy action-packed adventure like no others! With incredible cliffhanger endings !
Price: US $25

Issue #4
"Shelter from the Storm" takes the 451 Gang to the deserts of Arizona for another action-packed adventure that takes place in the future. These are truly the most unique pro-literacy comics in the world. Lots of fun and great detail.
​Price: US $25

Issue #5
This begins the series "Frank and the Five Dragons" set in China. Unlike many comic book artists who stay close to home and base their stories on their imagination and photos, Phil travels the world and bases his work on actual trips to China and other far off places. This makes the stories come alive in the details. Part one of this four issue China series (Frank #5-8) is "Godzilla Meets Inflation". You can see how Phil's real life trips to Asia are used for these lifelike adventures!
​Price: US $25

Issue #6
"Frank and the Four Dragons" part two: "We Interrupt Our Program for a Very Important Message" continues the adventure of the 451 Gang in China. Action on every page and lots of incredible humor as well.
​Price: US $25

Issue #7
"Frank and the Four Dragons" part three: "Our Daily Bread" also features a special 2 page prologue with an early appearance of Patrick Rabbit. This is a Chinese adventure story like no other.
​Price: US $25

Issue #8
"Frank and the Four Dragons" part four: "Off The Wall" with another Patrick Rabbit appearance in the prologue and a very special appearance of The Monkey Prince and Cazco! Phil was doing comic stories set in Asia long before the current craze in the United States started. Cazco started in 1972 and told the story of a half-Tibetan cartoonist and his journeys around the world especially in China. Phil's dad came to America from China in 1948 and the family could not go home to see Phil's relatives until 1979. Since that first time, Phil has made many trips to Asia and had incredible success with his events there.
Price: US $25

Issue #9
"Island Adventures" begins Phil's Frank the Unicorn stories set in various islands throughout the world. Phil loves islands and makes every opportunity to travel to as many as he can on his global trips. These stories all wrap up in Phil's graphic novel, "Voyage to Veggie Isle".
Price: US $25

Issue #10
"Island Adventures" continues with a classic chapter called "Jeepney Jeepney Bang Bang We Love You", set in the Philippines. The late, great comic book master Alfredo Alcala, who was Phil's best friend, is featured in the center with their famous Alcala-Yeh dragon drawn in 1980. Phil did the pencils and Alfredo did a masterful job on the inking. This book is one of the rare times they worked together.
This concluded the Frank the Unicorn comic book series in 1992. There are, of course, many Frank the Unicorn graphic novels and the character continues to appear in Phil's Patrick Rabbit and Winged Tiger comics.
Price: US $25