Graphic Novel Workshops with Phil Yeh
Godfather of the American Graphic Novel

Workshop Objective:
Learn about the creative process in making a great graphic novel.
Introduction to many world famous graphic novel creators and their creation process.
At a group level, learn how to create your own unique characters.
Hands on experience in drawing a funny comic strip
Demonstration on the process of actually writing a comic strip.
The workshop is to give participants some real hands on information about what real creators have done to make some of the most successful cartoon characters in history. While there is no promise that everyone who creates a cartoon character will become rich or famous from that character - there are indeed certain characteristics that 99% of all creators have in common.
The Graphic Novel workshop is fun and informative and it can be attended by ALL AGES from 5 years old to 80 years old. Participants from all over the world have attended this workshop and get inspired and motivated, no matter what cultural background or economic status they come from.
“I am pleased that the Cartoonists Across America tour has been formed, because I agree that literacy has become a problem in our country. Humor itself is always a valuable tool in providing incentive for reading.”
Charles Schulz, creator of Peanuts

Phil’s graphic novel workshops are generally 1 to 1 1/2 hours long. The fee includes 80 copies of Phil’s comic books that can be given away at the event and after.
Please contact us to book an event or for pricing.
All Phil needs from your library for these Graphic Novel Workshops is a big sketchpad. He supplies copies of his award-winning comics, which feature artists from around the world helping to inspire budding artists and writers.
We encourage the audience to draw if possible, but we are always flexible about different conditions in each location. These workshops are perfect for teens and adults ---Phil is an expert at showing how all artists and writers need to expand their field of vision to include a wider variety of art styles and influences.
The Winged Tiger series takes place around the world and has enlisted the talents of a diverse range of artists giving practical advice on how they get their ideas. You do not need to be an artist or a writer to benefit from this practical advice which applies to all ages and all fields. Past guests include: Star Wars creator George Lucas; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles co-creator Kevin Eastman; Owl Moon author Jane Yolen; If You Give a Mouse a Cookie illustrator Felicia Bond; actors Henry Winkler and Jason Scott Lee; For Better or For Worse creator Lynn Johnston; and more than 200 other noted artists from all fields.